Mittwoch, 9. November 2011

Full Sail has graduation ceremonies twelve times a year.

On June 2nd and 3rd, 2011,  Full Sail graduated 530 students. Those students represent approximately $32,590,000 of gross revenue for the school and much of it was in the form of student loans. 

Graduation ceremonies happen twelve times a year at Full Sail. How many paying film jobs are out there? Same question for the recording arts industry.

What I'm getting at here is that many recent Full Sail grads will not be able to find jobs related to their chosen field of education. And do you really need to spend close to $80,000 to learn how to be a grip or production assistant on a film set? How many are going to have the ability to pay back those loans six months from now when the first payment is due?

Recent Consumerist article 

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